Fixed firefighting systems - Automatic sprinkler systems - Design, installation and maintenance (First revision)
This Malaysian Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation and maintenance of fixed fire sprinkler systems in buildings and industrial plant, and particular requirements for sprinkler systems, which are integral to measures for the protection of life.
This standard covers only the types of sprinkler with the following conditions:
a) the sprinkler ‘K’ factors shall be as prescribed in this standard; and
b) the sprinkler head and its ‘K’ factor shall be verified/tested/certified and/or listed by an organisation recognised by the fire authority.
The requirements and recommendations of this standard are also applicable to any addition, extension, repair or other modifications to a sprinkler system. They are not applicable to water spray or deluge systems. It covers the classification of hazards, provision of water supplies, components to be used, installation and testing of the system, maintenance and the extension of existing systems, and identifies construction details of buildings which are the minimum necessary for satisfactory performance of sprinkler systems complying with this standard.
This standard does not cover water supplies to the systems other than sprinklers. Its requirements may be used as guidance for other fixed firefighting extinguishing systems, however, provided that any specific requirements for others firefighting extinguishing supplies are taken into account.
This standard also covers sprinkler kits where a kit comprises all the components necessary to complete the installed sprinkler system.
The requirements are not valid for automatic sprinkler systems on ships, in aircraft, on vehicles and mobile fire appliances or for below ground systems in the mining industry.