Thunderstorm warning systems – Protection against lightning
(IEC 62793:2020, IDT )
(Published by Department of Standards Malaysia in 2024)
This document describes the characteristics of thunderstorm warning systems (TWSs) in order to implement lightning hazard preventive measures.
Single sensors and/or a network of sensors (e.g. lightning location system) can be used as a TWS.
This document provides requirements for sensors and networks collecting accurate data of the relevant parameters, giving real-time information on lightning and atmospheric electric activity. It describes the application of the data collected by these sensors and networks in the form of warnings and historical data.
This document includes:
• a general description of available techniques for TWSs;
• guidelines for alarming methods;
• informative examples of possible preventive actions.
The following aspects are outside the scope of this document:
a) lightning protection systems: such systems are covered by IEC 62305 (all parts) [1]1;
b) other thunderstorm related phenomena such as rain, hail, wind;
c) satellite and radar based thunderstorm detection techniques;
d) portable devices (a device where the sensor is not fixed).
NOTE It is possible that calibration and testing of portable devices will not be sufficient to provide efficient warning.
NSC 05 - Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Energy